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3 times payment free of fees


Fast delivery at home/pickup point in 48/72h

Customer Service : 04 43 55 05 24

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The E-reservation allows you to ensure the presence of an item and a size in a store and then book it for 48 hours.


To reserve an item, simply go to the listing of the item you want to book and click on "book in shop".


Then set your size and choose the shop where you want to pick up your item.


To pick up your reservation it's very simple: go directly to the shop where you booked your item and ask for it at the checkout.


Do not hesitate to try the pair booked directly in shop but if you are in a hurry, you then have 30 days to bring it back (unworn items and in their original box).

The E-reservation is without obligation to purchase, the payment will be made in shop. It is not possible to reserve more than two items.

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  • Be less specific, you can then filter your results
  • Check the spelling seized words
  • If you are looking for a product from the catalog, type its reference directly (ex : 22000690)
  • If you still cannot find your product, do not hesitate to contact us at:
    08 06 80 00 04
    Service 0.15EUR the call
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    or go to the nearest distributor.


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